Blockchain Technology
In 2020, the world has changed dramatically: the coronavirus pandemic has put a point of no return and accelerated the onset of the digital age. Those who have not been able to rebuild and continue to ignore the development of innovations suffer losses, and those who figured out promising trends in time receive dividends.
For security reasons, companies were forced to embark on a digital transformation. There are many benefits and challenges to this process. Therefore, today on the agenda are issues of decentralizing financial services, ensuring cybersecurity on the Web and developing convenient digital platforms.
Blockchain itself is of no value without interacting with digital identity, legal environment, and effective government. Only by putting it all together will we understand the real impact of blockchain technology.
In this situation, blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies and tokenization are becoming especially relevant for entrepreneurship, investment and income growth. Therefore, it is important to understand how the industry will develop in the world and in Russia, what are the features in the legislative regulation of the sphere, what and how to invest money in order to make a profit.
.The speakers will be representatives of innovative banks, entrepreneurs, authors of blockchain startups, as well as experts in regulatory matters.
In addition to the main stream, the program will include two separate blocks – a banking session and a discussion panel on legal issues.
What banking processes have been successfully transferred to blockchain? What services are expected to appear in the next couple of years? When will the concepts of “cryptocurrency” and “blockchain” appear in Russian legislation? How will this affect the development of the cryptoindustry? Experts will answer these and other questions.
An exhibition will be held in parallel with the conference. It will feature mining equipment and software, bitcoin wallets, trading platforms, as well as crowdfunding helper services.